- Design meets Business by Cloud Systems
We IoT-analyze & UX-design functional it-requirements for internal, online & mobile Big Data, Cloud IoT-systems & Apps!

1-day Service Design Innovation workshop
Agile Service Design Innovation INTRO workshop at your location
Service Description
Unleash your team's creative potential with ServiceLabs' 1-day Service Design Innovation workshop. This action-filled, agile interdisciplinary workshop is designed to help your organization find new digital ways to reach your customers and create a culture of cloud and value-based innovation. Perfect for teams, top management, and employees looking to tap into their creative potential and drive Digital Transformation in your organization. WHAT WE DELIVER: We help you run Agile LEAN Service Design Thinking workshop where focus is on using Customer Journey Mapping, LEAN Startup and for full-featured Service Design Thinking inside your organization for creating Cloud IoT & AI, B2B2C eco-systems. AGENDA Agile Digital Transformation: 1. Customer Journey Mapping 2. eBusiness Model Strategies 3. Lean Service Design Thinker* 4. Cloud CX-UX-UI-API delivery! * Find new digital ways of how to reach your customers is what Service Design Thinking workshops and DESIGN JAM sessions are all about. We offer 2-days action-filled, creative, interdisciplinary, top-management and employee-focused TEAM workshops creating new, Cloud-focused & value-based innovation culture inside your organization towards IoT/AI. DK: At finde nye måder, at nå kunder på er hvad Service Design Thinking workshops direkte omhandler! Vi tilbyder Jeres organisation aktion-fyldte, kreative, team og medarbejder-fokuseret, handlingsorienteret workshops, der skaber værdiskabende innovationskultur. AGENDA Agil Digital Transformation for Cloud NFC, IoT, EDI, AI: 1. Digital kunderejse maps 2. eBusiness Model Strategi 3. Service Design Tænkning & 4. Cloud CX-UX-UI-API leverance!
Contact Details
+ +4520222230
Skovparken 34, Hedensted, DK-82 8722, DNK