Bjarne Jensen
Apr 4, 20241 min read
Berlin HPI How agile Design Sprints helps companies grow!
Agile interdisciplinary TEAMS and multi-disciplinary LEAN UX Design Sprints explained by We are new agile Design...
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Bjarne Jensen
Apr 3, 20242 min read
Business Agility: How using Design Thinking will fix Design Thinking
Design Thinking means to truly and consequently move away from a narrow technical and business only perspective to a truly interdisciplinary
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Jul 12, 20171 min read
Why Generation Z Wants Only Perfect Customer Service Born between 1995-2012, these young people are just...
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Mark Stickdorn
Mar 2, 20171 min read
Service Design and Startups: This Lean Agile Design Thingything
A topic I am interested in for quite some time now is how startups can use service design in their day-to-day work. I recently gave a...
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Nov 28, 20162 min read
The User as Hero. Product Innovation like Facebook and Google?
"Leaders must keep in mind that the customer is the superhero and your job is to tell them how your product will help them become a...
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