We help Corporates & Startups to think visually!
Business Innovation means creating real value and genuine new ways of delivering IT/IoT and consuming services instead of copying others.
The Cloud-idea is that you by CX can work across business fields such as e.g. Finance, Purchasing, Procurement, Production, Sales, Marketing & Service units, which
is our Service Design TEAM focus!
Cloud eBusiness Innovation by Global Sustainable Design Goals...
Help create SmartCity, FinTech & Industri 4.0 IoT & AI in Denmark, Scandinavia & Europe
Using Design Thinking for IoT we can work across all business fields such as Finance, Logistics, Purchasing, Procurement, Production, Sales, Marketing & Service units, which is my Service Design Thinking UX TEAM focus! I have 2 - 3 websites that explains Design Thinking UX down to eBusiness, eGov and eHealth services at it-system level! If you want to commit to d.school learning as taught by Stanford d.school and Hasslo-Platter d.school in Berlin you can learn from me for FREE... We can even go to Berlin together to explore the new IoT-CX-UX Design Thinking tools & culture, which I did attend for teaching d.school at Business Schools & universities here in Denmark! Human Service Design Thinking Mindset, eBusiness Innovation Mindsets and Agile System Design Mindset must be combined to deliver IoT Digital Transformation which e.g. should be used indside FinTech, SmartCities, Industri 4.0 and especially Retail 4.0 Smarter Shopping! This includes IoT, Smart Transport & eLogistics for shopping in product, wellness and pleasure areas since we explore and experience when we are travelling, working, relaxing or discovering! Thus I need eBusiness/UX-design people to help deliver SmartCities, Industri 4.0 and IoT inside buildings, shops, SmartCities and factories! This is why I look for eBiz/UX-design people like you! So join our Design TEAMS!
Cloud WebShop API & IoT Apps Systems, Design Challenges & Tools Strategy...
DESIGN THINKING is a mindset that creates baseline for innovation in a practical and human-centred way. It allows professionals to solve complex problems by making use of three core UX values - empathy, collaboration and experimentation. ServiceLabs invites you to attend our next workshop. Spots are limited, sign up today! Design Thinking is NOT for dummies! How to escape superficiality + foster innovation! The Design Sprint process & steps makes sure we deliver CX-values.
DESIGN THINKING SPRINTS is a process defined to develop new and viable IoT-solutions to problems considering human needs primarily. Design Thinking is developed and taught at Stanford d.school and can be applied to making not-seen-before-solutions in virtually any field, from designing physical objects to UX Service Design to re-design of entire digital Customer Experience. We teach CX-UX Design Sprints process and steps hands-on to explore and inspire your agile TEAMS.
Cloud WebShop, IoT Apps & Strategy Tools for Design Thinkers and Beyond...