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Business Model Canvas for TEAMS

Business Model Design for TEAMS
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Business Model Design Sprints for TEAMS
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Business Model Design Sprint Guide for TEAMS
Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/76140
Editor's note: This article is excerpted from Rule's Book of Business Plans for Startups , from Entrepreneur Press
For a startup business, creating a business plan is like creating a game plan in sports. You need to scout out all the information to create a winning strategy for the game. While business plans for existing companies may have a special focus, such as setting overall goals, reviewing specific operations, evaluating new products, assessing new technology in the industry, or some other specific purpose, the business plan for a startup company is the blueprint for its formation, its operation, and its success.
A business plan exposes a new company's strengths and weaknesses. It reveals ways to capitalize on the strengths and minimize the weaknesses, uncovers every facet of the business that can be developed, and points to the best method for that development. It provides a structure for the company's pursuit of the winner's trophy.
Even though creating a business plan takes time, thought and effort, and may seem like an impediment to getting on with opening or growing your new business, it is imperative in today's competitive business climate for you to have all relative information available and evaluated before opening your doors. With a thoughtfully prepared business plan you will enter the business world prepared, ready to run your business and ready to compete.
Although researching and writing your business plan may seem like a monumental task, with preparation it can be quite painless. As you go through the process, you will develop your knowledge and understanding of your business, improve your chances of success, and diminish your risks of failure as a startup owner.
Prior to writing your business plan, there are several issues you must resolve. It is beyond the scope of this text to cover all of these in depth; however, a basic checklist with a few recommended reference books is provided, so you can explore some of the subjects more thoroughly. As an entrepreneur of a startup company:
Are you prepared to operate a business and organization?
Have you already decided upon your product(s) or service(s)?
Have you investigated other types of businesses or organization?
Have you explored the broad economic digital business sectors: manufacturing, wholesale, retail, service ...? Have you considered other industries within the sector of your choice? Have you thought about what types of businesses are strongest now and for the future?
Have you checked out franchises? To check out the possibilities and benefits of becoming a franchise outlet owner or franchisor, read Erwin Keup's Franchise Bible and my books, No Money Down: Financing for Franchising and The Franchise Redbook
Do you have a location in mind? Have you researched the principles of site selection: physical site needs (address, neighborhood, interior lot, corner lot), cost effectiveness, interior space, exterior space, visibility, traffic volume (which side of the street and times of the day), and accessibility? Are you familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of types of sites, such as freestanding buildings, storefronts, regional malls, and many others? Are you familiar with the principles of lease negotiation? See Luigi Salvaneschi's Location, Location, Location.
Have you located the necessary business consultants--accountant, attorney, banker, and others? One resource is The Small Business Insider's Guide to Bankers by Suzanne Caplan and Thomas M. Nunnally.
Do you know your financial position, your credit rating, your investment costs? The author's No Money Down: Financing for Franchising covers these topics in detail for any business, not only franchising.
Before going forward, it is assumed you have done the basic homework for each of the elements above and that:
You are ready to go into business
You have your basic business concept
You have decided on your basic product(s) or service(s)
You have your location and facility
You have a business accountant and attorney
You understand your financial position and your investment costs
While you may have already explored the following business concepts during your startup stage, you will be reconsidering and reevaluating these as you develop your business plan:
Investment tactics
Business objectives
Mission statement
Keys to success
Industry analysis
Market analysis
Competitor analysis
Design Strategies
Digital Marketing plan
Design Management
Organizational structure
Operations & Logistics
Financial pro formas
Break-even analysis
Financial requirement
Don't be concerned if you aren't familiar with all of these concepts. Writing a business plan for your new business is a straightforward process that you can move through step by step to completion. The whole process can be accomplished in two to four weeks, depending on your business.
A Professional Presentation
In surveying many successful business plans, you will find that no one format fits them all. Depending upon the nature of the business, certain topics take precedence over others. Often the owners write their business plans, since they know the most about their business operation and management and they have learned what elements to include to make the best impression.
A complete business plan for a startup company is best organized according to the logical development of the business and is comprised of at least 12 basic components.
Executive Summary: By definition, to summarize the elements of your business
Company Description: For identification, to introduce your readers to your company and your business concept
Industry analysis: To provide a picture of your industry and of the position of your business within the larger framework
Market and Competition: To evaluate what you are getting into. While some business plan proponents separate market and competition, it takes an examination of both, together, to come to one very important final conclusion: your market share. Consequently, it is best to examine and present them together.
Strategies and Goals: To analyze the market and your competition in order to determine how and where your company or products or services fit and to maximize your position with your target market
Products or Services: To describe your products or services and how they match your findings of your strategies and goals
Marketing and Sales: To market your products or services with the best positioning and to forecast your sales based on the findings of categories four, five, and six, in that order
Management and Organization: To present the management and personnel who will run the show. This section can be separated into two sections for more complex companies.
Operations: To explain how the business is run
Financial Pro Formas: To forecast successful financial performance for all activities
Financial Requirement: To present the type and amount of financing needed, based on the previous sections, to accomplish the whole plan
Exhibits: By definition, to close the plan and separate any supporting materials that would otherwise interrupt the flow of the story
A professionally written startup business plan has all 12 of these basic sections presented in the order of the outline. Most of the segments listed will also be reflected in the same order of presentation, although there may be slight variances depending on your type of business. When your business plan is written to obtain financing, the financial requirement section may be tailored either as a loan request or as an investment offering proposal, and then titled accordingly.
Kilde: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/76140
Redaktørens note: Denne artikel er uddraget fra Rule's Book of Business Plans for Startups, fra Entrepreneur Press
For en opstartvirksomhed er det at oprette en forretningsplan som at oprette en spilplan inden for sport. Du skal spejde alle oplysningerne for at oprette en vindende strategi for spillet. Mens forretningsplaner for eksisterende virksomheder kan have et specielt fokus, såsom at sætte overordnede mål, gennemgå specifikke operationer, evaluere nye produkter, vurdere ny teknologi i branchen eller et andet specifikt formål, er forretningsplanen for en opstartvirksomhed planen for dens dannelse, dens drift og dens succes.
En forretningsplan udsætter et nyt virksomheds styrker og svagheder. Det afslører måder at udnytte styrkerne og minimere svaghederne, afslører alle aspekter af virksomheden, der kan udvikles, og peger på den bedste metode til denne udvikling. Det giver en struktur for virksomhedens forfølgelse af vinderens trofæ.
Selvom at oprette en forretningsplan tager tid, tanke og kræfter og kan virke som en hindring for at komme videre med åbning eller vækst af din nye virksomhed, er det bydende nødvendigt i dagens konkurrencedygtige forretningsklima, at du har alle relative oplysninger tilgængelige og evalueres, før du åbner dine døre. Med en gennemtænkt forberedt forretningsplan kommer du ind i den erhvervsliv, der er klar, klar til at drive din virksomhed og klar til at konkurrere.
Selvom forskning og skrivning af din forretningsplan kan virke som en monumental opgave, kan den med forberedelse være ret smertefri. Når du gennemgår processen, vil du udvikle din viden og forståelse for din virksomhed, forbedre dine chancer for succes og mindske dine risici for fiasko som opstartsejer.
Før du skriver din forretningsplan, er der flere problemer, du skal løse. Det er uden for denne tekst at dække alle disse i dybden; Der findes dog en grundlæggende tjekliste med et par anbefalede opslagsbøger, så du kan udforske nogle af emnerne mere grundigt. Som iværksætter af en opstartvirksomhed:
Er du parat til at drive en virksomhed og en organisation?
Har du allerede besluttet dit produkt (er) eller service (r)?
Har du undersøgt andre typer virksomheder eller organisationer?
Har du udforsket de brede økonomiske digitale forretningssektorer: fremstilling, engrossalg, detailhandel, service ...? Har du overvejet andre brancher inden for den valgte sektor? Har du tænkt over, hvilke typer virksomheder der er stærkest nu og i fremtiden?
Har du tjekket franchiser? For at undersøge mulighederne og fordelene ved at blive franchiseaftaleejer eller franchisegiver, skal du læse Erwin Keups Franchise Bible og mine bøger, No Money Down: Finansiering til franchising og Franchise Redbook
Har du et sted i tankerne? Har du undersøgt principperne for valg af websted: fysiske behov for websteder (adresse, kvarter, interiørparti, hjørneparti), omkostningseffektivitet, indvendige rum, udvendige rum, synlighed, trafikmængde (hvilken side af gaden og tidspunkter af dagen), og tilgængelighed? Er du fortrolig med fordele og ulemper ved typer af websteder, såsom fritstående bygninger, storefronts, regionale indkøbscentre og mange andre? Er du bekendt med principperne i leasingforhandlinger? Se Luigi Salvaneschis beliggenhed, beliggenhed, beliggenhed.
Har du fundet de nødvendige forretningskonsulenter - revisor, advokat, bankmand og andre? En ressource er The Small Business Insider's Guide to Bankers af Suzanne Caplan og Thomas M. Nunnally.
Kender du din økonomiske stilling, din kreditvurdering, dine investeringsomkostninger? Forfatterens No Money Down: Finansiering til franchising dækker disse emner i detaljer for enhver virksomhed, ikke kun franchising.
Inden du går videre, antages det, at du har lavet de grundlæggende lektier for hvert af elementerne ovenfor, og at:
Du er klar til at gå i forretning
Du har dit grundlæggende forretningsidé
Du har bestemt dig for dine basisprodukt (er) eller tjeneste (r)
Du har din placering og facilitet
Du har en forretningsrevisor og advokat
Du forstår din økonomiske situation og dine investeringsomkostninger
Mens du muligvis allerede har udforsket følgende forretningskoncepter i din startfase, overvejer du og revurderer disse, mens du udvikler din forretningsplan:
Investerings taktik
Mission statement
Nøgler til succes
Design Strategier
Design & Ledelse
Operationer & Logistik
Finansielle pro formas
Økonomisk krav
Vær ikke bekymret, hvis du ikke er bekendt med alle disse begreber. At skrive en forretningsplan for din nye virksomhed er en ligetil proces, som du kan gå gennem trin for trin til færdiggørelse. Hele processen kan udføres på to til fire uger, afhængigt af din virksomhed.
En professionel præsentation
Når du undersøger mange succesrige forretningsplaner, vil du opdage, at intet format passer til dem alle. Afhængig af virksomhedens art har visse emner forrang frem for andre. Ofte skriver ejere deres forretningsplaner, da de ved mest om deres forretningsdrift og ledelse, og de har lært, hvilke elementer der skal inkluderes for at gøre det bedst mulige indtryk.
En komplet forretningsplan for en opstartvirksomhed er bedst organiseret i henhold til den logiske udvikling af virksomheden og består af mindst 12 grundlæggende komponenter.
Executive Resume: Definition for at opsummere elementerne i din virksomhed
Firmabeskrivelse: For identifikation, for at introducere dine læsere til din virksomhed og dit forretningsidé
Industrianalyse: At give et billede af din branche og din virksomheds position inden for de større rammer
Marked og konkurrence: At evaluere, hvad du får fat på. Mens nogle forretningsplanproponenter adskiller marked og konkurrence, tager det en undersøgelse af begge dele for at komme til en meget vigtig endelig konklusion: din markedsandel. Derfor er det bedst at undersøge og præsentere dem sammen.
Strategier og mål: At analysere markedet og din konkurrence for at bestemme, hvordan og hvor din virksomhed eller produkter eller tjenester passer og for at maksimere din position med dit målmarked
Produkter eller tjenester: At beskrive dine produkter eller tjenester, og hvordan de matcher dine fund af dine strategier og mål
Marketing og salg: At markedsføre dine produkter eller tjenester med den bedste positionering og forudsige dit salg baseret på resultaterne fra kategorier fire, fem og seks i den rækkefølge
Ledelse og organisation: At præsentere ledelsen og det personale, der vil køre showet. Dette afsnit kan opdeles i to sektioner for mere komplekse virksomheder.
Drift: For at forklare, hvordan virksomheden drives
Finansielle proformer: At forudsige en succesrig økonomisk præstation for alle aktiviteter
Økonomisk krav: At præsentere den type finansieringstype og -beløb, der er behov for, baseret på de foregående afsnit, for at gennemføre hele planen
Udstillinger: Per definition at lukke planen og adskille ethvert understøttende materiale, der ellers ville afbryde strømmen af ​​historien
En professionelt skrevet opstart forretningsplan har alle 12 af disse grundlæggende sektioner præsenteret i rækkefølge af konturen. De fleste af de nævnte segmenter afspejles også i den samme rækkefølge af præsentationen, skønt der kan være svage afvigelser afhængigt af din forretningstype. Når din forretningsplan er skrevet for at opnå finansiering, kan afsnittet med økonomiske krav skræddersys enten som en låneanmodning eller som et forslag til investeringsudbud og derefter navngives i overensstemmelse hermed.