We help Corporates & Startups to think visually!
Business Innovation means creating real value and genuine new ways of delivering IT/IoT and consuming services instead of copying others.
The Cloud-idea is that you by CX can work across business fields such as e.g. Finance, Purchasing, Procurement, Production, Sales, Marketing & Service units, which
is our Service Design TEAM focus!
Bjarne Jensen, Cand.IT eBusiness Designer
“Design Thiking Sprints are human;
Service Design is UX-experiences!”

Columbia: Making ideas happen workshop...

Columbia: Making ideas happen workshop...

Agile Service Design Jam at Zalando

Columbia: Making ideas happen workshop...
Finding new digital ways how to reach your customers is what Agile Service Design Thinking workshops or Design Sprints sessions are all about. We offer you 1-day action-filled, creative and interdisciplinary top-management and employee-focused LEAN UX workshop creating agile TEAM value-based innovation-culture inside your organization.
​We help you prepare and setup Service Design Thinking UX-workshop inside your organization by helping you setup ALL the necessary Agile Design Thinking Toolkits, LEAN UX-methods and creative collaborative agile rooms at your corporate offices! Book us today to get started into the visual worlds of Service Design Thinking innovation and creativity.
Global Service Design Network
“However beautiful the strategy, you should always look for Service Design KPI results.”

Double Diamond used for Business Design Thinking

Double Diamond used for Business Design Thinking
Finding new digital ways how to reach your customers is what Agile Service Design Thinking workshops or Design Sprints sessions are all about. We offer you 1-day action-filled, creative and interdisciplinary top-management and employee-focused LEAN UX workshop creating agile TEAM value-based innovation-culture inside your organization.
​We help you prepare and setup Service Design Thinking UX-workshop inside your organization by helping you setup ALL the necessary Agile Design Thinking Toolkits, LEAN UX-methods and creative collaborative agile rooms at your corporate offices! Book us today to get started into the visual worlds of Service Design Thinking innovation and creativity.

Design Jam organizors

LEAN UX Design Process

Interdisciplinary Design Culture for UX TEAMS

Agile UX Service Design Jam session at Zalando