We help Corporates & Startups to think visually!
Business Innovation means creating real value and genuine new ways of delivering IT/IoT and consuming services instead of copying others.
The Cloud-idea is that you by CX can work across business fields such as e.g. Finance, Purchasing, Procurement, Production, Sales, Marketing & Service units, which
is our Service Design TEAM focus!
Design Facilitator Toolbox Skills
![]() Business Design 4-steps | ![]() Design Thinking Interdisciplinary | ![]() Design Thinking, Norman Group |
![]() Service Design Value Chain | ![]() Business Organization Design | ![]() Business Design, David Schmidt |
![]() Design Facilitator 4-Steps | ![]() Business Model Innovation | ![]() Problem Defintion for Service Design |
![]() Business Model Design | ![]() Product Team Canvas |

Creating a Design Challenge
A Challenge consists of a headline, a justification and an owner. Reason must include one background explaining the wonder that has led to the creation of the challenge (I wonder why?) as well what the result is supposed to contribute to the project (relevance). The reasoning works like one the guiding star for the Challenge Team that takes up the challenge.
All participants can create a Challenge.
A challenge is defined with the following data:
1. Heading
2. Reason why?
3. Owner
4. Date
5. Challenge Project ID
Creating a Challenge Project
A Challenge Project can consist of anything from one participant to a number of participants called a Challenge Team. The participant who takes up a challenge is called the Coordinator and has a special role with regard to creating one or more Challenge the project and to coordinate the team's work. The teams first activity is to choose business areas on which the design projects should be based on.
Oprettelse af en Design Challenge
En Challenge består af en overskrift, en begrundelse samt en ejer. Begrundelse skal indeholde en baggrund som forklarer den undren som har ledt til oprettelse af udfordringen (I wonder why?) samt hvad resultatet formodes at kunne bidrage med til projektet (relevans).
Begrundelsen fungerer som en ledestjerne for det Challenge Team som tager udfordringen op.
Alle deltagere kan oprette en Challenge.
En challenge defineres med følgende data:
1. Heading
2. Reason why?
3. Owner
4. Date
5. Challenge Project ID
Oprettelse af et Challenge Project
Et Challenge Project kan bestå af alt fra én deltager til en række deltagere, som benævnes ét Challenge Team. Den deltager som tager én eller flere udfordringer op kaldes Coordinator og har en særlig rolle i forbindelse med oprettelse af ét Challenge projekt, samt at koordinere teamets arbejde fremadrettet. Teamets første aktivitet er at vælge de fagområder, som hele projektets team arbejde skal baseres på.