Source: Read full article here... Observations on Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Scrum (1): Common Ground
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Source: Read full article here... Observations on Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Scrum (1): Common Ground
We help Corporates & Startups to think visually!
Business Innovation means creating real value and genuine new ways of delivering IT/IoT and consuming services instead of copying others.
The Cloud-idea is that you by CX can work across business fields such as e.g. Finance, Purchasing, Procurement, Production, Sales, Marketing & Service units, which
is our Service Design TEAM focus!
Source: Read full article here... Observations on Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Scrum (1): Common Ground
Article illustrations
Source: Read full article here... Observations on Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Scrum (1): Common Ground
Updated: Aug 14, 2020
For Business Transformation its important to break down business silos by Agile LEAN UX Design Sprints. This article explains how to setup agile Digital Transformation inside business organizations and IT-department, since business and technology synergy must happen between organisational units.
First step for Digital Transformation of organizations is to setup Design Thinking Sprint Rooms, where stakeholders typically represented from all business departments and it-department can work on co-creating new Strategic Design plans for your company, customers, suppliers & relevant partners.
Thus, as Business Design Coaches we setup your Obeya Room for visualization of processes, which surely help improve organisations through Business Process Re-enginering, planning & scheduling. Together with Business Model Canvas we in TEAMS help you design your eBusiness Architecture.
For better sustainable business world, we also need add social and it-collaborative issues inside your organization, which will foster social responsibility, collaboration and society innovations, which are based on interdisciplinary it-research, design thinking and it-development for social and human needs.
Social, Human & Environmental Cost and Benefits are thus added to your Business Models, which secures, that you design products, services - and even your business model - for real human needs!
By human focus you can argue, we don't need worry about Business KPI's but that is totally wrong. In order to measure any it-progress, we still need add KPI's for your business operation - like illustrated:
Thus, we can now explain how Business Departments and IT-department works together by design! This can only be done, if there is trust between business, technology and design thinking people, who often times don't collaborate enough to create e-business and service innovation via technology. Thus there is a need to work holistically according to below agile Enterprise Architecture Business Model. This Business Model now includes current As-Is IT infrastructure and To-be IT operating model. Thus we bridges Business Design Thinking with Agile Design Sprint delivery for agile UX transformation.
Based now on and my Cand. IT eBusiness Design research at above model shows how Scenario Planning (PI Planning in SAFe) is main focus for UX-deliveries!
Business by Design can now be described and explained by below methods, which combines all. Thus we setup agile Design Sprints, LEAN UX agility inside organizations and IT-departments.
Business by Design can now be described, explained and repeated inside your business organizations creating agile Design Thinking UX Prototyping Sprints inside your organization and IT-department.
By looking holistically at any organization via Sustainable, eBusiness & System Development eyes, we are able to create better sustainable business organizations that makes human lives more happy.
Seen by Design Thinking Sprint facilitators view organizational design looks like below model...
Whether any organization is ready for Digital Transformation - can be illustrated this way...
Contact us to hear more about how we can help your organization do Digital Business Transformation.
We combine Service, Business and Software System Design Thinking - which is unique in the market!
Article illustration
David Schmidt model above and below my own illustrations for IoT & Business Design Work
Read article here: Tools you need for Business Design Work